
Our boarding students are accommodated at the Geraldton Residential College. Students are provided with a 'home away from home', modern facilities, healthy 'home-cooked' meals and a safe, supervised and caring environment. Nagle has permanently secured access to 45 beds at the facility.

The Residential College is located a short 10 minute walk from the Nagle campus.

Supportive Environment
At all times during the school term and on school weekends, 24 hour supervision is provided by the Residential College staff. 
​​Our College Boarding House Liaison Officer is Mr Kerry Pile.

Facilities and Activities

  • Three College buses ensure access to all sporting, medical and academic commitments. Popular destinations include the indoor heated town pool, town cinema, local skate parks and the local beaches.

  • Separate male and female dorms, connected by a communal courtyard and recreation areas.

  • Each dorm room contains a common room with TV, couches and kitchenette.

  • Music room

  • A range of bikes for students use

  • Camps and day trips to various locations

  • 11 metre outdoor pool

Fees and Fee Support
The boarding fee is currently $14.823 payable directly to Geraldton Residential College.

There are allowance entitlements and subsidies available through various sources. Please refer to the Residential College website for further information.

Application Process
Families  are asked to advise Nagle of their intentions regarding boarding for their children when enrolling. Upon receipt of an intention to board at Geraldton Residential College, Nagle will reserve a bed for your child, prepare a letter required for admission to the boarding facility and advise them of your intention.

​For any enquiries about the boarding facilities, please contact the Residential College manager Ruth Davis on (08) 9923 5250.

Residential College Brochure